AntiSec: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "AntiSec was an offshoot of Anonymous with the self-declared goal of stealing and leaking any classified government information, including email spools and documentation. Their prime targets were banks and other high-ranking establishments. AntiSec was eventually taken down by law enforcement, largely due to the informant Sabu. File:Operation_Anti-Security.txt Category:Hackers Category:Stubs")
(No difference)

Revision as of 15:35, 24 December 2021

AntiSec was an offshoot of Anonymous with the self-declared goal of stealing and leaking any classified government information, including email spools and documentation. Their prime targets were banks and other high-ranking establishments.

AntiSec was eventually taken down by law enforcement, largely due to the informant Sabu.

File:Operation Anti-Security.txt